Horrified Citizens Watch a Two-Year Old Child Hang From the Metal Bars of a Window

Parents want to raise their child to be independent and sometimes that requires teaching them at a young age. But there is a fine line between teaching them and being careless. A lot of things can go wrong when you leave a child alone. Even if they are somewhere as familiar and safe as your own home.

In Guang’an, China, an almost terrible accident was witnessed by onlookers. There was a two-year-old child that dangled from the metal bars of a window in a building. This was not a stunt or a trick but a dangerous situation that could result in the child’s death.

This accident was recorded and it showed a boy, in distress, being caught by a metal bar from the third floor of his family’s building. Neighbors and strangers who happened to be on the street were horrified. Panicked that the metal bar would not hold him much longer, they tried to think of ways to get him down.

Some got blankets in case the two-year-old did fall. They waited at the bottom of the building to catch the boy with the quilts. Reports say that the boy was left alone by his family. He may have been playing along the ledge of the window and slipped, luckily he got stuck between the wall and the metal bar or else it would have been a messy welcome home greeting for his parents.

The family of the boy came home in time and reportedly they were the ones that caught him when he fell from the metal bar. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries. There is no news if the government decided to make the parents accountable for leaving the boy unattended.

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