VIRAL POST: Homeless man repays benefactor by fighting off burglars

As an old anecdote goes, you learn the true character of a man by looking at what he does or gives to someone who has nothing to give in return, like, for instance, a homeless man.

Following this logic, a netizen that goes by the Facebook name of Khen Bernard Du Dionisio has consistently proven the strength of his character and the kindness of his heart. See, a homeless man has taken refuge in front of his home.

As he recounted on his Facebook post, he would give the homeless man food and cash from time to time, when he had extra to give.

Khen’s compassion for the homeless man is obviously not born out of mutual interest, as he probably never thought the day would come when all his good deeds would be repaid.

Still, the universe moves in mysterious ways.

One day, Khen made his way to a nearby food chain and immediately felt that something was off. He couldn’t even finish his food as he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss.

He ended up rushing home, feeling as if some mysterious magnetic force was drawing him in. As it turns out, his gut did not fail him.

When he finally arrived at home, he found out that he failed to lock his door properly . Two burglars were attempting to get in, but couldn’t.


Well, the homeless man Khen had taken to helping out every once in a while stood up to the burglars. He fought them, effectively stalling their evil plans, until help arrived at the scene.

Humbled by the experience of the homeless man risking his life for someone who isn’t even related to him, Khen took to Facebook to tell the story of the man’s heroic bravery.

Netizens couldn’t help but praise the homeless man, with some even suggesting good ways to further help him have a better life. He deserves it.

What can you say about this story? If you were in Khen’s shoes, what would you have done the moment you saw the homeless man fighting off the burglars? How do you think we can all help this heroic man? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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